Hockey Canada and Hockey Alberta are dedicated to ensuring a safe and fun environment for all participants.
An important aspect of injury prevention is addressing concussions in sport and providing the information required in:
Hockey Canada has worked with various organizations, including Parachute Canada, to develop standardized information regarding the prevention, identification, and management of concussions and suspected concussions. Understanding what a concussion is, its causes and symptoms, what must be done when a concussion is suspected, and how to properly recover from a concussion will allow our participants to enjoy hockey for life even if a concussion has occurred.
Hockey Alberta and Hockey Canada recognizes the increased awareness of concussions and their potential long-term effects. As a result, Hockey Canada has updated its Concussion Policy, and developed new tools and resources to help everyone BE CONCUSSION SMART!
As per Hockey Canada Policy if a participant is suspected of having a concussion, the following steps MUST occur:
Written clearance from a physician is required as outlined in the return to play strategy prior to returning to activity. A copy of this documentation is maintained as per Member/Minor Hockey Association policy and procedures.