Whitecourt Minor Hockey would like to invite our membership to our upcoming Annual General Meeting. The meeting will take place at the Arena Restaurant & Lounge at 7PM.
There will Coffee/Juice and dessert! Please join us.
Our nominations for board positions are now open. Nomination policy attached for your reference here -----> Nomination Policy
If you are interested in Nominating someone or yourself, please do so by submitting this form WMH Nomination Link by end of day MAY 3rd.
We are always looking for volunteers in various positions, if you want to help part time, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can also submit your interest in volunteering by filling the link above.
All of WMH Roles and Responsibilities for the various positions listed here for your convenience ------> WMH Roles & Responsibilities
If you haven any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to Rand Richards president@whitecourtminorhockey.com
AGM Agenda package will be emailed by May 5th.
You can RSVP or add a reminder in your Calendar by following this link https://fb.me/e/2OhGgKGwn